Thursday, February 24, 2011

Meaningful and quoted...

"More than at any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we will have the wisdom to choose correctly"-Woody Allen.

This quote inspires to understand that no matter what road you choose you will have to overcome some challenge. There is no easy route to choose in life. Even if you decide to stay dormant and contribute nothing to self or society... This is a path chosen and the challenge is to not full fill anything which could be a hidden psychological goal (or something).
I love this quote because two people could be raised in the same situation and the outcome of each lives result in exact opposites. The human process is so interesting. Life is really what you make of it and what you do with the choices that you make...the paths/crossroads,etc....the word crossroads always gets Bone thugs n Harmony stuck in my head. I miss the 90s lol.

"This we know:
All things are connected
like the blood
Which unites one family.
Whatever befalls the earth
Befalls the sons and daughters of the earth.
Man did not weave the web of life:
He is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web,
He does to himself."- Chief Seattle

I read this after refecting on the Crossroads quote. How wise this quote is....

"In art, economy is always beauty"-Henry James
Money is what drives many to do what we do. To be an "successful" artist you most get the word sells so does what is popular.  
It is funny how in society people try and think of themselves as unique. Yes we are to a degree but look's fashion. You can look at a photo and know what year or around what year it was by what people are wearing. The same goes with art. No offense to friends and family (you are all unique) but inspiration is kind of like stealing an opinion.

"People cannot stand to much reality"-Carl Jung
turn off the tv and look around. The real thing is here and not marketed (ususally). 


  1. ok so I couldn't narrow down to 1 quote from our assigned book. These are all so wonderful. Has someone and something inspired you lately?

  2. I think it's great you couldn't choose just one quote. The Woody Allen quote sure does help us understand there are no easy roads, no perfect decisions.

  3. I was just speaking to a friend the other day about the paths we choose and I came to the conclusion that whatever path is chosen, if you try and give more than you recieve then you can die with a clear conscience.
