Thursday, March 31, 2011

living thru stuff....

Life brings surprises good and bad when you least expect it. Take last week for mother pasted away suddenly. I am not willing (just yet) to go into the details but it wasn't expected and she didn't have all her ducks in a row ready for this either... Which makes the grieving even harder because being so far away you have to think about why you're driving almost 9hrs there and back. When you finally get there you have to settle things like funeral, death certificate, and estate me you don't want to go thru this even when your parent has everything ready for you to handle but it makes it harder when they don't because ugliness comes out from people you have known your whole life.

enough of that... well Jake has been the best. He took off the day after I found out to be at home to deal with the dogs' drama and be there for me. What a blessing he is. I was and still am an emotional roller coaster. I think long car rides can make or break a relationship...yeah 9hrs is not THAT long but driving it with a sister you mix like water and oil can drive someone to leave you even in times like this. TRUST ME you do not want to be around me and my youngest sister together for more than an hour. Jake was great he listened and would TRY and coach us through our issues with each other.. funny and worked for like a few hours then we were at it again.

photo booth at a these pics
 The long drive was nice though because we talked about everything. I am so sad about losing my mother. So sad and still cannot believe this is happening.
I am so glad that Jake is in my life, especially now. I cannot wait to be engaged, married and have children with him. Hi family is also my rock. They offered to drive up with me when I had to go back to handle legals,etc. My family is great too don't get me wrong but they do not have to be there and they were.

us on the couch at Christmas
 My job on the other hand completely shocked me....I won't go there. Thank you my boss but that is about it. Anyone looking for someone with 10years management experience??? lol totally joking.

not meaning to rant just thought I would share...Thank you to my instructors as guys and gal are AMAZING! xox

Tiff's top

".........These are a few of my favorite things..."

in my opinion the best color to get!
 I am such a girl right now but I am willing to admit to LOVING to get flowers (hint Jake).
My all time favorite flower is available at Easter time. I guess what I love most about this flower is the smell.. It is sooo sweet. They are not very expensive and you can usually find them everywhere. They are a great gift to bring to a Easter dinner or have a a table setting. I place them throughout my house to remind me how pretty it is about to get outside... Unfortunately I do not have a greenthumb (YET) and I end up with a semi-graveyard of them outside when it is time to plant them. They do comeback every year too. So when your invited to dinner for Easter bring your hostess a flower for her efforts!

i found this picture online...can you imagine how wonderful this place must smell?
i have never found this color pretty!  
These flowers are called Hyacinths and like I stated before smell amazing!!!!!! I learned while quickly researching that they were the favorite of king Louis XV of France.

My Second favorite flower is the Plumeria blossom. They are found all over Hawaii and make beautiful Leis and head pieces.They are most fragrant at night in order to attract it's pollunating moths. The flower has no nectar.
Tahitian sunset if my favorite color this blossom comes in

pretty in white
My third favorite is also a Hawaiian flower, the Hibiscus. They come in all color and varieties. Every color and variety was the official territorial flower. It wasn't until 1988 that the yellow hibiscus (which is native to the Islands) was selected to represent Hawaii the state.
i can't chose a favorite color but this orange mix sure is in the top
the red is probably the most common color
Hawaii's state flower
Waterlilies are the most interesting to me because how they the water and wild like. This summer I am going to try to improve (A LOT) my gardening skills. I really want to have a waterlily in my front yard fountain. I just need to find a waterlily that can grow in harsh conditions (me) and shallow water.
Funny story from when I was little... I would always play Indians with my cousins and my name was ALWAYS waterlily not tiger-lily (the famous Indian Princess).

The fourth choice is the Daffodil. The classic spring starter of the season. They come in an array of colors but the most common is the yellow.
the classic

The classic Rose, my fifth and final favorite. Although the list could go on and on I choose the rose. The rose has been used in history all over the world a decorating flower, medicine, small source of vitamin c, and for fragrant purposes. No matter what color they are simply beautiful. I favor the victorian species not the wild open buds.
the wild rose
I love this color mix

Monday, March 21, 2011

Collinsville man pleads guilty in child porn case

Collinsville man pleads guilty in child porn case

"I heard the news today oh boy" - Beatles lyrics to a song that kinda brings tone of the article... well not really.
OK so hear I go. I have wanted to comment on this for quite some time. You see I used to be friends with this man. I can't claim him as a real man because what kind of man would do this?!
I met him in high school. He played football with some of my close friends. He played amazingly if my memory serves me correctly. On Friday nights we would sometimes go to his mom's house and party. (same basement he filmed his porn-gross).

if you have time or the enrgy google him.There are a few articles about him. Some talk about him and his family.

Looking back, it is weird to think of him as a pedophile. A creeper yes but not a pedophile. I guess you can't really tag those people in a crowd though. I breaks my heart for that little girl. I have a little friend a year younger than her and I would seriously kill someone if they took advantage of her in anyway. I cannot believe this?!
Weird enough that it breaks my heart for him that he turned out that way..... He had a tremendous future. He was an all-American football player (or something) in college. Did a lot (academics-wise) more than anyone in his family. What the heck made him into a creep?!
It was news to me that he was into this sort of thing. He never really had a stable girlfriend in high school. He was always really inappropriate though with every girl. Steven NEVER tried anything with me...could be because those boys would have destroyed him.
It makes me sick to my stomach. Not to switch this to me but I just wanted to post something of a reaction to this.
Yeah it is old news but holy crap everytime I think about it I want to cry for that younge girl.
How did it get to that point? How was she able to get to hang out with an adult alone without her mother knowing? How was she able to be his "girlfriend" and repeatidly go to his mom's house without anyone asking questions? Why didn't she tell on him? Who else has he done this too?

It is hard to believe this could happen to anyone. Or that anyone would be able to do such a thing....or that someone would desire a child?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lucy Lue and Desi too...

So we decided to get our second doggie. Desi is a yellow lab and is 11 months old.
Let me back up and start from the beginning. My Boyfriend's birthday was the 10th and I had teased him that I wanted to get him our second dog. We have wanted to get a buddy for Lucy but Jake thought that it wasn't time. Lucy still needs a bit of training with jumping and little things like that.

Friday after work, Jake told me that he had called the breeder that his Uncle purchased from and there was a dog that we should check out. It was out of nowhere and we hadn't really saved any money for a pure breed. This breeder has a waiting list for some of their dogs. A couple of cardinal's players have gone there too! So if was an opportunity that didn't come around very often. The opportunity was that they had a couple dogs that they were going to breed with from a recent "batch" that weren't perfect. For example one of their testicles didn't drop correctly,etc. They only breed "perfect" dogs. So on a beautiful Saturday we went on a long drive. An hour and a half to get there, even a ferry ride (Brussels), through country side and river roads. It was a great drive . I lived up in the bluffs of Grafton when I was younger, so part of the drive brought me back.
We finally got there and they were dogs everywhere. Different buildings and a huge barn. 88M acres total including farming land and a pond.
Long story short the breeder paired us with our Desi. He was awesome in the truck. We drove from the breeder to Webster Groves animal hospital. The breeder had a deal with that hospital so our first checkup would be free and he still needed his rabies shot. The doctor's office took forever the drive there was ridiculous..I was ready to get home! 2 hrs to get in the checkup room and forever for the vet to come in...He wasn't going to the house how dirty and stinky he was so he needed to go to a groomer. I couldn't describe the smell and doubted that I myself would be able to get his totally cleaned. So to get to a groomer the dog must have had a rabies shot. We called everywhere and ended up getting into Petsmart in Belleville. That was another 2hr ordeal.
We finally got home and introduced the two dogs in the front yard. The rest is history. They are best buds. Right now they are laying together on my feet. We love love love them. They are a bit of a handful at the moment because of Lucy the little one loves to attack him. They play forever then lay next to each other. It is very cute.. Dogs are like children, you can't keep your eyes off them because they are constantly challenging the boundaries. So far so good, just don't ask me in the mornings...They have a 6am pee and eat time and then HAVE to play.They won't go back to bed until I am ready to be awake....Ugh! What did we get ourselves into??????????My favorite thing about Desi is that he is 100lbs and little Lucy attacks him so fiercely. He bites back but nothing like he is capable of.Which I like because we plan on having kids in the next 3 years. He comes to me to save him from her when he gets tired of it.
I will edit and post pics very soon. Jake needs to email me some since my phone pics never show up.