Monday, January 24, 2011

blog blah blog......getting started

So this is my blog. I am EXTREMELY new to this and nervous that I will have nothing to blog about...
My name is Tiffany and I am a retail manager that is returning back to school to become a civil engineer. Returning back now was important. The now or never motto. About a year ago, I reconnected with the love of my life,Jake. We met in high school and have been friends for about 13years (he is pictured with me above).
My second Love's name is Scoot. I had to break my own heart and make the hardest decision yet in my life...I had to give him up for adoption. Working full-time and returning to school full-time did not leave any Scooto-time. Scoot is a very snugglie puggle and deserved a lot of attention, so I found him a new place. It was very difficult but I had to not be selfish. It was less that a year ago so I still talk about him. This may sound weird but he was like a child to me.

This is my favorite picture of him. Donate to Granite City APA. It is one of few "no kill" shelters in the metro area. GCAPA is a non profit organization that works hard to find their animals loving families. They have the best people working there. I cried like a baby the entire time I filled out paper work and explained his diet, activities, etc. The owner/supervisor met me personally and let me drop him off before they were even opened. She gave me a hug and tried to help me stop bawling.....wonderful lady.

The past two years have been pretty crazy. Last year, I moved from Soulard back to the east side of the muddy river. My sisters are still giving me a hard time for moving back to Illinois. My immediate family lives over in Missouri.
I have three sisters by the way. We are all completely different, which makes family gatherings more interesting. I am the older middle of the four.

I moved back because I was becoming BROKE! It is expensive in least the part I lived in.

For fun.....I have a new interest in wine. I love wine... not too much though. When I have time, I love to bake and cook. For Christmas I got tons of new cook books. Jake and I decided to try making sushi. It is process to perfect.
I also like history. I love to read!
If you have any interesting recipes or books, let me know. I am up for suggestios.
That's a little about me. More to come...............


  1. Sounds like you have plenty to blog about! Thanks for introducing yourself. I had to give up a cat and dog back in 2000 when we moved overseas. I know how hard that is (I had had my "daughter" Lady for 12 years). I would love to swap recipes. Let me know what you like to eat.

  2. You got to love those men named Jake! My boyfriend's name is Jake! Can't wait to read more of your blogs:)

  3. I think you had great things to say and I can't wait to read more! I miss you so much even though we never see each other! I actually miss living with scoot too! And our soulard days! Wish we wouldve had more time to enjoy it!

  4. Shells, never thought I would hear you say you ever missed living with Scoot. He was like a special needs child. I MISS YOU SO MUCH TOO. Soulard was a blast and went bye way to fast..but that's how life goes. We NEED to make time, seriously. Even if it's just making a day at Layfeyette(sp) square and walking our old over pass or eating the amazing brownie at the chicken place that sucks at chicken...

  5. That is such a cute doggie. It is sad you had to give him up but I am glad you found him a great place to stay. I have a dog also and that would just not be an option in my wife would give me up before the dog! For real!

  6. I have a similar story, in that I've known my girlfriend, Brooke, for about 13 years too! We never thought of dating until after I returned from military training. Her brother and I have always been best friends since 6th grade, so we'd always hang out, but who knew the love of my life would be right there? Haha, fate has crazy courses. I can relate to you too with the puppy; I had to drop my little lab off in the same way for the same unselfish reasons, and it was tough. Just wasn't in the cards for me to own and care for a dog at the time. Can't wait to hear more from you!

  7. I hate that you had to give up scoot, but it is great that you recognized you didn't have time for him. many people simply neglect their pets. pets need love just like humans do. If you can't be totally devoted why peicemeal love? That's a rhetorical statement.

  8. I suggest that you simply do something out of the ordinary. It doesn't particularly have to be on Valentine's day. Valentine's Day should culminate your year of love! Send him balloons to his job. Guys like balloons even if they say they don't. We love to show off to our freinds just like some women do! (smile)
