Wednesday, May 4, 2011

driving since I was a babe...

OK so getting pretty personal on this (but maybe this will impact or connect with someone)

what drives me...what has driven me....

as a young girl at the age of 6year old I was witness to a marriage that just wasn't working out. My parents met right before they had me (I sealed the deal you could say). So as a child witnessing, usually they trying to shelter me from all what was going on (kids' are smart parents-they know more than you know/think they do) My drive was to always be what they wanted me to be.
I was a pageant Queen at this age and also was  a great skater/ dancer (very Renaissance)

As a preteen my drive was to fit in. Being the older of two girls with a single Dad, it was hard to connect with him with all what was going on hormonally, physically and emotionally. We moved A LOT (military brat) and somehow always found a way to be interesting to the other girls in my class. I was pretty confident at a young age and the fact that I was much too mature helped as well.

Teen years ugh do not have a clue what my drive was... definitely got lazy with my grades but if I had to pick one thing or person it was my grandmother.. At one point in HS I worked 3jobs and was president of like 4 clubs and was involved with cheer leading. Grandma helped me talk through a lot of my emotions and struggles at this time of my life and help keep things in perspective (still much too mature for my age at this time-for the most part)

After HS my drive was working, working,working. I was sooo convinced that starting a career early would have me at corporate level by the time I was 30...guess again, although I was in a corporate environment at one point and my drive could have gotten me somewhere just wasn't my path.

My drive since has had quite the, friends, and always God.

Currently my drive is becoming better educated and to transfer to finish up a degree to become a Civil Engineer. the main driver is that I want children more than anything. The times that we are in are not stable and I refuse to depend on anyone to take care of me or my imaginary children (gov especially). So I am working my butt off and stressing to achieve my latest and greatest goal.
People sometimes laugh when I say I am a returning adult student and my drive is my imaginary children.
A couple years ago I stopped and thought about what I really, really wanted and that was to be a mom. A real mom not just to some puppies (my current pacifier). I was not in a relationship so I knew if I was to become a mom I would have to do it in an unconventional way... use your imagination here.. but my current (pretty awesome ) job has a crazy schedule and market isn't always stable so I decided to go back to school for something I knew (as a strong woman) I would have no problem keeping ad have a pretty great income.

+++so there it is my drives and a little more info than needed but still interesting to read+++